Dive in! You will be surprised to find what the Adriatic Sea hides beneath its surface… Rovinj has much to offer beneath the surface of the sea to adventurers seeking new underwater experiences.

The beauty of its islets and the reef that runs along its shoreline are just a few of the features that will remain only partially explored if you do not dive into the depths of the sea to uncover the part that is hidden beneath its surface.
You will be able to “read” the rich nautical history that is found on the sea’s floor where dozens of sunken shipwrecks tell the stories of the region’s famous naval history.
Dive in! You will be amazed…
Table of Contents
Best diving locations near Rovinj
Being one of the most popular diving destination on Adriatic sea, Rovinj offers many diving possiblities – from diving courses, renting diving equipment to wreck diving and diving tours. In the vicinity of Rovinj there are many natural underwater attractions as well numerous wreck sites to explore.
Banjole Island
Distanced only one nautical mile from the town of Rovinj, the Banjole Island offer cave diving with the depth between 5-12 meters, suitable for advanced divers and beginners as well..
Sv. Ivan Island
Distanced two nautical miles from Rovinj, the Sv. Ivan Island in considered the most attractive diving location of Rovinj. The diving depth is from five to twenty meters featuring amazing underawater flora and fauna and an abandoned Benedictione bell tower.
Sturago Island
Because the shallow water which varies from 5 to 15 meters, this diving location is almost ideal for begginers and diver with less experience. You will be able to see many attractive canyons and rock formations.
Figarola Island
Distanced only one nautical mile from the town of Rovinj, Figarola Island offers intersting backdrop structures to explore. The depth varies from five to twenty meters. After 20 meters of depth there is a sandy bottom.
Sv. Ivan na pučini Island (lighthouse)
Distanced two nautical miles from Rovinj, this site offers an amazing underwater experience at the depth from 6 to 43 meters. Because of the strong sea currents and maritime traffic this diving site is recommended only for experienced divers.
Best wreck locations near Rovinj

Distanced from 9 to 18 nautical miles frond the land, there are over 10 ship wrecks in the sea waters around Rovinj. Most of the sunken ships are dated from the period od World War I and World War II. Lets explore some of them:
Baron Gautsch Wreck
Baron Gautsch is definitely the most attractive wreck in the Adriatic sea and represent the biggest maritime accident in these waters. Baroun Gautch was an Austrian passegenr ship transporting Austrian officer famillies from Boka Kotorska to Trieste. The ship sank back in 1914 by hitting a underwater mine at the location of 9 nautical miles from Rovinj and lies at the depth of 40 meters on a sandy bottom. The Baron Gautch wreck is very well presreved and offers an amazing diving experience that every diver must have. Diving in this location is only possible by having a special permission by the Croatian Ministry of culture beacuse the whole wreck is under protection. For that reason the entrance is allowed only in a first 2 decks of the ship.
Giuseppe Dezza Wreck
Giuseppe Dezza is an italian minesweeper ship sunk on 17 August 1944 by a British aeroplane. The wreck lies around 30 meters of depth and it is pretty good conditions. The ship was built back in 1913 and its 73 meters long. The best attraction of this wreck are the well preserved stern gun and an antiaircraft heavy machine-guns.
Hans Schmidt (Istria) Wreck
Bulit in 1920 in Netherlands, the Hans Schmidt (Istria) was a 99 meters long cargo ship for weapons that hitted an underwater mine and sunk nine nautical miles from Rovinj at the depth around 40 meters. The wreck is well preserved, especially the steel parts and its under the protection of the Croatian Ministry of culture – that means that diving on this location is possible only throught diving centers owning a special permission.
Coriolanus Wreck
Coriolanus was a British spy ship (Shakespeare class), long 50 meters and powered by strong steam motors. The ship operated during World War II and was sunk after hitting an underwater mine back in 1945. It location is 17 nautical miles from Rovinj at the depth of 30 meters. To explore this wreck is necessary to obtain a special permission of the Croatian Ministry of Culture becaue the wreck is under protection.
Numidia Wreck
Numidia is probably the largest ship wreck in the Adriatic sea. The ship lenght is 120 meters and is located 14 nautical miles from Rovinj on the depth between 33-40 meters under the sea. Numidia was sunk during the Second World War and it represent a real challenge even for professional divers.
Diving centers in Rovinj
There are around 5-6 diving centers in Rovinj offering a wide selection of activities such as:
- professional diving guidance,
- diving coureses,
- diving schools,
- diving education
- norkeling,
- diving tours and excursions,
- wreck diving guidance
- diving equipment rental services.
Diving centers collaborate closely with numerous Rovinj tourist agencies and companies offering different holiday package arrangements for tourists intrested in diving.
A complete list of diving centers in Rovinj
- Diving Center Scuba Rovinj
- Rovinj-sub Diving Center
- Puffer, Rovinj Diving
- Dive Center Rubin
- Rovinj Sub – Diving Center
- Club for Underwater Activities.