Rovinj is well know as one of the dog friendliest destination in Istria and offers 9 beaches for dogs in total.

Some of those beaches or parts of beaches feature facilities customized for dogs such as dog waste bins, dog washing areas with showers and dogs bar.
Bellow You can check a full list of dog friendly beaches which inlude an areas where is possible to take your dog, safely and without any stress.
Full List of Beaches for Dogs in Rovinj
Veštar Bay – the dog friendly area is located at the end of the white trail after the Mon Paradis camping site. More about Veštar beach.
Škaraba Beach – the dog friendly area is located on the west side of the bay. More about Škaraba beach.
Kuvi Bay – in the western part towards the Škaraba beach, and after the beach bar towards the tourist resort ‘Villas Rubin’. More about Kuvi beach.
Cisterna Beach – it is allowed to take your dog next to the old roman cistern. More about Cisterna beach.
Kastelan Bay – the area for dogs is located towards the tourist resort Amarin.
Borik Beach – from the northern wall of the Rovinj hospital is allowed to take a dog.
Beach under the Hospital – on the beach across the Luigi Monti Street.
The quarry in the ‘Zlatni rt’, Golden Cape Forest Park – before the ascent from the north and south side.
Extra tip: Read the Rovinj Beaches Guide.